Why I Feel Like I’m Chosen ⭐️

Why I Feel Like I’m Chosen ⭐️

Alliyah THE ONE 😇⭐️ 

So some may be wondering what “The One” means and why I call myself Alliyah The One… let’s talk about it! 

I’ve always felt a few signs that I was “special” in a way but until I awakened, I was unaware why… from people naturally gravitating to me, being the go-to, challenging and questioning authority, being a leader not a follower, being creative and having a uniqueness to myself. When I was younger, I grew up in Christianity and slowly as I got older I started to question some things… it’s like I believed in a higher power like Christianity but felt that some things just didn’t make sense. After high school I started my spiritual journey. 

Chosen ones came to the planet with the purpose of raising the vibration of planet Earth. Some people are stuck living in a lie. The lie is the programmed way of doing things and a lot of people are comfortable with it. Chosen ones embrace the truth. I knew I didn’t want to live a normal life. The normal life as in go to school for 12 years, graduate and go to college to work in a systematic career just filling in the cycle to keep us from truly being able to fulfill our life how we are meant. Although personally I ignored my urge to fight the distractions and instead I hid how I truly felt about it and continued in the lie until I learned more of why I was feeling that way. Fitting in is truly a trap. Free will is our birthright and we crave it. We want to think for ourselves not be told what to do. What? For us to all try to live the same lives or for me to help you with your dream? There’s got to be more don’t you think? We all have the right to our own destiny! Chosen ones naturally follow their intuition or that voice in their head. Now, if what you truly want is that career path or life journey that fits in with the conditioned way, then that is still your truth! The goal is to fulfill your life’s purpose by staying true to yourself whether you feel your purpose is being a doctor, chef, actor, comedian, public speaker, or flight attendant! Steve Harvey said “Your gift is whatever you do the best, with the most ease”, find your gift and use it help serve the universe for your own fulfillment! 

People naturally gravitate to me. I feel like some people vent to me and feel comfortable to talk to me more than they would others. I have the gift of healing, I’m a giver, I love hard and if I can help then I will. Never underestimate your impact you have on people even if you only exchange one sentence. It seems like chosen ones always have a sense of the right things to say. Chosen ones focus on love, not hate. Our goal is to open minds and share the perspective to raise the frequency or energy of Earth. Chosen ones are understanding of other people’s perspectives and accept that they are based on their own life circumstances. Chosen ones emphasize self love and self care. My confidence leads me through my life as a chosen one. Nobody should be able to change your perception of yourself, self worth is about how YOU measure yourself. I’ve always been close to nature. Of course I grew up in a time where we were OUTSIDE! I’ve always loved animals and felt a different type of connection with them and realized I was raising those vibrations too, giving me a sense of fufillment. Spreading love and giving back to the universe is the best way to raise the energy and better the planet. You can achieve that all through LOVE for all of God’s creation. 

I call myself Alliyah THE ONE because I feel like I was chosen to be THE ONE that is going to positively change lives. God chose to awaken me to make an impact. My purpose, just like everyone else’s, is to serve the universe through my gifts and talents. Through my art, merch, music, words, or whatever I create. I’m RARE, nothing I do is average because I know my own potential is endless and I stay true to myself. There is meaning and originality in everything I do. I live my own life that nobody else can live and I’m living it to my fullest capability with the knowledge I know. I make it a goal to grow everyday to improve myself so I can continue to help others around me. We are all one. Chosen ones notice this and choose to work towards the greater good. Being a chosen one could look to other people that are unaware of what life truly is, as a push over. Someone that is always there for others although they might not get the same in return or just a “lucky” individual. The truth is, they will get the same in return because whatever energy you put out, will eventually find it’s way back, it just might not look the same as what we think. Being a chosen one can strike jealousy, envy and hate but it’s always important to respond with love. Treat others how you want to be treated is more true than we think because the way you treat others, will be the energy you receive, just maybe from a different person! Eventually once love is all you practice, it will be all you receive.

There’s a lot of signs to being a chosen one. Stay true to yourself, your beliefs, goals and dreams. It’s your job to open your mind to the truth, do research, find what makes sense to you! If you found your way here it was for a reason and everything is in divine timing. I’m here to plant the seed but only you can make it grow! If you’re a fellow chosen one or have something to share leave a comment! 

Xoxo -Alliyah The One ⭐️


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I am in tears of joy reading your beautiful well put words. Very proud to know that you, my first born child has such strength and awareness of the Universe we vibrate in. It took me 33 years before I realized I was a chosen one as well…I’m so enlightened knowing you are at peace with your own soul. I have worried often of this. Can now let that burden go. May you continue on your journey and help heal n guide others to be awakened..love …your mom

Meagan Toney-Sparger

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