Staying In The Present Moment

Staying In The Present Moment

Staying in the present moment means not letting your mind dwell on thoughts about the future or from the past but instead recognizing every feeling and event that is happening in that very moment.

If you’re like me, my mind thinks at 100mph, so it is key to control what I am using that to think about. It is easy to start to attract depression by thinking about what I went through, how my car just randomly broke down last week or all the money I spent on bills but that is just living in the past. It is just as easy to start to feel anxious thinking about my crazy schedule next week or how I’m going to do something months from now but that is just focusing on the future. The only thing that you can control is the present moment. Setting intentions for the bigger picture is important but you won’t have a big picture without the steps to get there. Control your mind and you can control your reality.

You're not going to know when you're not living in the present moment until you recognize that you're not living in the present moment. I am someone who has suffered from anxiety and depression. My dad and mom both have as well and my mom actually got diagnosed as Bipolar and suffers from addiction. I honestly don't like to say suffer and give titles to what is happening because I feel like it's easily misinterpreted and stereotyped as a disorder that you have no control over. From my perspective depression is the feeling of regret, heartbreak, sadness, unmotivated, basically feeling extremely down. Your mind is thinking about past events… you just "can't shake it." It's caused me to sleep constantly, not have an appetite, start arguments over past events, tear myself down. Now anxiety for me is feeling this constant worry, impatience, eager, and just on edge feeling. The first time I experienced an anxiety attack I was in the car, the whole day has just been off, arguing with a couple people and I think driving or the car just set it off. If you know me you know I really don't like driving, I have bad road rage(LOL), I get headaches on long drives, when other people are driving I'm leaning up in my seat, it's just all annoying to me. I’m just ready to get to my destination! I started to feel like I couldn't breathe and it was just something I've never experienced before. After that I told myself I can't get worked up to that point again. Of course I can't control everything that happens in life so I have had multiple anxiety attacks but I was aware of what was happening, how to calm down and now, how to control my emotions.

It takes a lot to break the wall that was unconsciously built but one thing you can do everyday is practice living in the present moment. The true reality. The goal is to enjoy every second of it doing what is meant for you. When you follow or accommodate someone else's desires instead of your own there is an imbalance. That includes living someone else's life through social media!! That imbalance is what is leading you to anxiety and depression. When it’s time to move forward you’ll keep getting pushed and pushed until you are consciously aware of the lesson and what you need to do to fix this imbalance. Period 🅿️

I am currently on a social media cleanse because I realized I was starting to blindly scroll and keep switching back and forth between apps using it as a DISTRACTION instead of a TOOL. If you haven't read my "Truth About Social Media" blog, check it out next to go deeper into this topic. I realized I was getting anxiety because in July I'm starting a new career journey and when I am going through a shift I always feel like I'm rushing and ready to get to that point and then once I'm there I'm ready to finish! I realized that my impatience is causing me to not live in the present moment and enjoy everyday life and the process to get to the finish line. I don’t want to rush my life away searching for something I can find everyday. I felt the need to make this because it's the words I needed to hear as well. Don't let anybody fool you, you're spiritual journey is going to be full of ups and downs and you continuously choosing love over fear in the smallest of moments. You'll never stop learning and growing. Staying in the present moment is also about surrendering to divine time. If you focus on the present moment, you'll be aware of your thoughts and for signs and signals on what is right for you in that moment. I always say this but STAY TRUE TO YOURSELF or you're going to have unease and once you are conscious, you'll be aware of what you did to get the karmic response back to you. You will just be fighting with yourself, your truth! Live in the present moment 🫶🏽

Love ✨ Alliyah The One 🌟

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