The Truth About Social Media 💡

The Truth About Social Media 💡

First let me start by saying I am not someone against social media and yes I use it everyday, but until you come to the realization of social media, it’s not going to have a positive effect on you. Until you learn the reality of social media you are just falling in the trap of living systematic lives instead of your own destiny. You have to learn how to use social media to your advantage instead of being controlled. 

So what is social media? Social media is a world wide platform to share information, ideas or graphics for anyone to see. It’s a way of communication, marketing and other forms of expression through virtual communities and networks. Being able to easily spread content all around the world is a crazy accomplishment but think of how spreading the wrong things could be catastrophic… 

Let's briefly talk about what the true meaning of life is. The goal for your life is be to become the best version of yourself. Everyone's purpose is to experience happiness, live from your heart and contribute to the universe through their gifts, talents and passions. You are following your divine path by staying true to what YOU want. You have to match the frequency that you want to attract by putting out a similar thought, feeling, word or action. Your focus should be on yourself so the energy pours into you. So now can you start to see how having an insight on everyone else’s life can be a distraction to your own? 

There’s a lot we have to realize about social media to take our control back. Most important thing is that you only see what someone else CHOOSES to let you see. There’s no telling if it’s true, a lie, the full story, edited video footage, etc. It’s ignorant to believe everything you see on social media. It’s also unhealthy to form your own assumptions about something you see on social media. Especially if you have a negative bias. Why would you mess with your ego or emotions over a made up scenario? When someone posts a picture or highlight it only shows the end of something, not the process it took to get there. People don’t share the ugly, which makes it look like to outsiders that there isn’t any ugly… That they must be lucky and what they have is unachievable to us. It’s hard to understand that successful people also had to start from the bottom and build up. It’s not magic, it’s hard work, knowledge and consistency. Life is about sharing your truth to help others learn from your mistakes and make better choices, not making everyone think your perfect. We have to start taking social media for what it is and not what it looks to be. 

To access your highest self you have to let go of attachment. That includes materialistic things or people. Social media praises both things! Social media forces us to put our focus on the outside, what can be seen, instead of the inside, what can be thought of and who we truly are. It praises popularity where we think if we get more likes on a post, we’re more liked. It’s a false-real world aspect of life. We shouldn’t base our self-worth on online interactions. Our self-worth is determined by how we personally view ourselves, not anyone else’s view. It’s what we truly believe we deserve. Social media allows constant comparison when we are supposed to be uniquely different! We all have different perspectives based on our own life circumstances which SHOULD give us a different point of view. We’re not supposed to want to live someone else’s life, but instead become the best version of ourselves to live OUR best life. If you follow someone else’s desires, you will never be truly happy because it’s not YOUR truth. Life is about finding your purpose through your own gifts. Understand that we live by divine timing which means everything in your life is happening at the exact time it is supposed to. Social media distracts us from our intuition which is what helps lead us through our own divine path. The voice in our head guiding us on how we truly feel or what we truly want. It’s time to live your own life, stop wasting time! When we focus on what others have it makes us be ungrateful. It’s important to be grateful for what you have been blessed with, not focus on what you don’t have. This life isn’t the time to feel bad for yourself or sit and wonder why your life isn’t like someone else’s, but instead finding what YOU truly want and how to achieve it! Social media is designed to attract and hold your attention, especially with the new algorithms nowadays. The brain releases dopamine when we get happy about a message popping up, or a positive social feedback notification that actually causes us to form an addiction to social media. This is why even when we don’t have a message on our screen we get the urge to check it. Social media forces us to constantly break up our attention, which can lead to struggles when trying to finish a task, or just focus for a longer period of time. It makes our emotions go up and down, by seeing a sad video, then scrolling and seeing a happy video, or scary, it just toys with your emotions when it’s already hard enough to gain control of your emotions. Anxiety to me is the reaction of worrying about the future and depression is the reaction of worrying about the past to the extent of it interrupting your daily life. Social media makes the unrealistic, real. It makes you remember things, or people you don’t want to remember. Forcing you to stay caught up on peoples lives who have hurt you, or just moments in the past you shouldn’t have to keep reliving just by having access to their social media. It makes it difficult to LET GO. To live in the present moment not the future or past you. You’re being programmed! Social media is being used to control our feelings and emotions, control the narrative of whatever is going on, and to take away our time. 


The first step to positively using social media is first by recognizing what it is designed to do, and how it affects you. Realizing it’s not the full truth and to accept that it’s okay to not know what is going on in everyone else’s life. Although everyone is entitled to their own opinion, you don’t need others opinions and other people don’t need your opinions! We treat social media like it is a necessity when it is a CHOICE. If you get on social media and it brings you down, you don’t have to stay on it! If something someone else posts brings you down, you can unfollow them! Take back control of your own life by detaching from needing outsiders approval. Don’t let anyone else change your perception of yourself. Take your truth out of peoples words, what rings true to you and your own beliefs, don’t just believe everything everyone else says. It will help to become aware of your own morals so you aren’t looking for those answers from others. Only you can answer those questions through your own thoughts and experiences. Set your standards and stick true to them. Realize that nobody is supposed to live the same life path, think the exact same way, or do things the same way. What works for someone else, might not work for you! It goes both ways, we don’t need to share everything about our lives either! A lot of times people over share on social media because they don’t have anyone to talk to. I never truly connected with my intuition until I took more time away from all my friends and family to hear how I felt. Write it down in a journal or your notes on your phone, think through situations yourself! By oversharing you leave room for others to pray on your downfall, or bring negative energy your way. Build self trust and believe you’re doing what you are supposed to do at the right timing for YOU. There’s a difference between asking for someone’s opinion to perceive it in your own way for your situation compared to listening to exactly what that person said to do from THEIR perspective. Don’t wish to be anyone else or have anyone else’s life, be grateful for your own life and figure out how to make the best out of your situations. Remember that life isn’t about materialistic items but more about reaching your highest self internally. Use social media to share your life experiences and give advice that helped you learn from your mistakes. Ask yourself if you are using social media as a distracting noise or as an efficient way to reach the world. Social media could be great for gaining access to positive influences, building friendships/relationships, presenting opportunities, promoting businesses, spreading truth and much more positive things once we gain control of our own usage of it. I feel like social media/ the internet is one of the main reasons so many people are starting to awaken. Follow accounts that match the lifestyle you claim you want. You will only be in alignment when you find what rings true to YOU. 

Start by cleansing from social media to get back in touch with who YOU are. Then when you go back to using social media, use it in an efficient way. Don’t continue with the spread of negativity or hate but instead spread love because it is the highest energy. Once you open your mind, you see through the distractions, there’s no turning back. Some days I don’t even enjoy being on social media because since I know the truth behind it, it makes me want to correct every post. I pray this blog posts opens up minds to dig humanity out of this social media quicksand. Thanks for reading! 

Xoxo -Alliyah The One ✨💕

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