Self Love ✨ 🚨NEW POST🚨

Self Love ✨ 🚨NEW POST🚨

To me, self love is the key to life. If you don't think you are worthy, beautiful, and talented why would anyone else believe it? The way you walk, talk and move in confidence shows externally as well as internally. In this blog post I'm going to talk about the benefits of loving yourself, how I practice self love and why I think self love is the key to life ✨

I would say I have been pretty confident at least since I started high school, even though that long ago I didn't necessarily notice I was choosing to love myself, just my thinking pattern. I always say I have an old soul. As some know I had a major glow up after middle school so I definitely had to build up some confidence but other than that, since I can remember, I've believed in myself. I've been well-known and got the attention I needed to think I'm worthy and fight off insecurities. I know this is not everybody's story but everyone can achieve this level of peace. It starts with your mental thought process. 

Changing the way you see things, will make the things you see change. When you love yourself, you genuinely want to be the best you because you believe you deserve the best. You will keep pushing your potential. You won't be lazy, you can't be lazy and not put in any work and expect the same results. You have to match your actions with your words and with what you say you truly want in life. Doubting yourself is the most contradicting thing you can put yourself through. When you doubt yourself you won't put your work out confidentially and you leave room for other people's doubt, which tears your confidence even more. When you carry yourself a certain way, everyone else won't have a choice but to see it. There's always going to be someone trying to change your TRUTH and their perspective on you is based on THEIR circumstances and insecurities, but that isn't what matters, that's for them to work through. Staying true to yourself is what matters. Only you and your higher guidance know what it is you believe in and what your path is in this life. Listen to that "voice in your head", don't always cloud your judgement with outsiders opinions. How can someone tell you what to do unless their circumstances are the exact same and they have experienced it too? That's why building trust within yourself is so important. 🎯

Self love is the key to a friendship and relationship. If I'm the best me and you're the best you, we won't be worried about the other person doing what they are supposed to do. Most people dislike something someone else does because they either fear to be like that or ignore that they are like that. Loving yourself means recognizing and accepting your insecurities, not ignoring them. Be honest with yourself, don't lie. Take things for what they are, not what you want them to be. Self love means being comfortable with all of who YOU are. Not necessarily thinking you're the prettiest person in the world but understanding there might always be someone prettier, smarter or more talented but that doesn't define how pretty, smart or talented you are. Never let other people's words change your perception of yourself. If they don't like you, they don't have to. Everyone's path isn't supposed to match up and like it or not, some people are meant to be temporary. Surround yourself with people who share common views and goals as you. People that match up with the lifestyle you claim you want to live and if that changes, so will some people in your life. I'll never understand the people who want to surround themselves purposely with "lesser" individuals. I'd love to respect my friends to teach me or show me things, not bring me down or revolve their life around me. I build my friends up to be the best them for them because I know how it feels to love myself and work towards being the best me. You can't thrive in an environment you don't belong in. 🎯 

So how could you practice self love daily? First it starts with believing. You believe it, then you be it!!! Which means once you program/shift your mind to positively believing it-the rest will follow. I like to look in the mirror a lot. I like to notice everything about myself and learn to love it or accept what I need to work on. I accept that it is nobody's fault but mine if I don't change something about my life that I don't like. Stay true to yourself by doing what YOU want to do, stop doing things you don't want to do or accepting things you really don't accept! Practice self care for whatever makes you feel good. I truly don't want to be anyone else besides the BEST ME. Social media is a factor to us as a society thinking it's okay to not want to be yourself, to want to live someone else's life... I personally think it's because it's portrayed as impossible or "luck". We see a picture or a highlight of something someone is doing and we don't see the process it took and it makes it look unachievable to us. It's not luck, it's hard work, knowledge, consistency. If you truly work towards a goal and instead of giving up, learning from your mistakes, YOU WILL ACHIEVE IT in the right timing. People don't always post what they had to go through to get to where they are. They aren't posting the ugly. Don't get distracted by social media's insight to everyone's life path because nobody has the exact same life circumstances, lessons, or path period. Moral of the story, start by cleansing from social media or at least understand you're not seeing the full truth, you're seeing what anyone CHOOSES to let you see. It's not healthy to make up your own assumptions about stuff you don't know. Worrying about your own life is key to self love because you're pouring energy into yourself, not these other people. I am going to expand on talking about social media in another blog so stay tuned! Admire your beauty, your body, YOUR unique gift to this Earth. Don't let the negative things people say about you stick with you, let the compliments. Be on your own team by thinking and feeding yourself good thoughts, but still be honest with yourself. When you love yourself you won't let anyone bring you down, you're glowing. People can feel your vibe, they can SEE it in the way you carry yourself. You might have to do some shadow work to uncover the hidden reason to why you may not love yourself currently because you didn't know this information before but it's worth it. I don't know if anyone can relate but I am the type of person where I forget traumatic events. It's not moving through it, it's just covering it up. I found balance with it by gaining control and being able to detach from thoughts that no longer serve me. Yesterday, a month ago, 5 years ago DOESN'T DEFINE WHO YOU ARE TODAY.🎯

Change and make better choices to match what you want out of life. Pour your energy into yourself as much, or even more than you do others. Love yourself because you are the person you have to spend the rest of your life with so why not enjoy it! Admire yourself, look in the mirror when you are feeling confident, doesn’t it show your pros? Now look at yourself when you’re not confident, doesn’t it show your flaws? Get in touch with your divine self and intuition, learn to know yourself. It's okay to be alone sometimes, to hear your own thoughts, feelings and opinions. Don't always get clouded and distracted by everyone else's life's and opinions. Become a person you are proud to love. ❤️‍🔥 

I hope at least some of you find this useful. Thanks for checking in and feel free to talk to me in the comments with questions, comments or next blog topics! ✨

Xoxo - Alliyah The One 🌟


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1 comment

Wow. I love your blog and deep thoughts. You are very mature and your outlook on life is right on. I’m so so proud of you. You are a strong women and can’t wait to watch your path in this thing we call life. You have such a big heart and you are so caring. “Always stay humble and kind”


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